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Bird nesting

On Behalf of | Apr 26, 2018 | Family Law |

The citizens of California are no strangers to the turmoil that comes with ending a marriage. Unfortunately, for many couples, divorce is a necessary reality that not only hurts them but also has the potential to harm their children. Consequently, couples on the verge of separating strive to come up with solutions in order to make the whole affair easier for everyone involved.

It is in the name of making matters easier that some divorcees have started adopting the practice of bird nesting, or letting the children live in the same house while the parents take turns living there. This act helps parents stay out a lease or wait for a devalued home’s price to get back up. Furthermore, it facilitates the entire divorce process for both the parents and the children.

However, without proper planning, bird nesting can exacerbate matters rather than help them. For instance, couples who aren’t in full agreement on how the finances should be split or how schedules should be arranged could end up fighting over something as trivial as who should fix the broken dishwasher. This, in turn, could lead to more difficulties for the children.

Because of the potential complexities of this arrangement, it is a good idea for couples about to go through a divorce to reach out to find support from attorneys who can help the parents sort matters out. In such a manner, the children’s comfort can be given top priority while the amount of potential conflicts is minimized thanks to having a set plan. Moreover, it is important to keep in mind that bird nesting is meant to be a temporary arrangement that is supposed to be ended once the children along with their parents have had the necessary time to get used to the new child custody situation.

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