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Coparenting is a life-long commitment

On Behalf of | Aug 23, 2019 | Child Custody |

Divorce in California is a process that should be worked through one step at a time, especially when there are children involved. No matter the reason for the split, it’s important to be honest with the kids and for the exes to maintain a cordial relationship with each other. When the time comes for new love and perhaps remarriage, coparenting will be as vital as ever for the development of the children.

There are two primary issues for a divorced parent as a remarriage enters the picture. First, despite having a new spouse, the coparenting relationship must remain strong. This means being respectful, cooperative, communicative about the kids and generally encouraging of a healthy, loving relationship with the other parent. As much as possible, maintain a similar schedule and routine in both households.

Second, it’s important to think about what the children will likely go through. It’s natural to feel a sense of loss when a parent remarries and not know how the step-parent will fit in. Open communication, honesty and the realization that things take time are keys to working through the difficulties. No matter what, however, the ex-spouses will be co-parents for life. The goal is to have children feel comfortable, loved and free to grow in both homes.

Many issues impact a divorced couple with children. If child custody can be worked out with a parenting agreement, the road ahead will be easier to travel. Unfortunately, not every issue will be readily agreed on and conflicts sometimes arise. An experienced family law attorney can explain and provide counsel on parental rights and responsibilities during the process of divorce.

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