10 Top Things To Consider When Contemplating A Divorce
- See a therapist to help you during this difficult time who can help you during this transition or if you’re uncertain of your options. Get a recommendation for a therapist familiar with this process.
- Interview several attorneys and hire someone you feel comfortable with. Go to court and watch the family law attorneys in action.
- Set aside 6 months of funds in case your spouse leaves you with no funds to live on. Sometimes a spouse will transferred all of your funds out of checking and savings accounts without your knowledge.
- Be familiar with all of your assets and debts. Copy all financial records such as bank statements, retirement accounts, 3 years of tax returns, credit card statements, etc.
- Know what you own. Take pictures of all cars, furniture and furnishings in case they start to disappear.
- If there’s domestic violence happening in your family, take pictures of any cuts, bruises, etc. Call the police. Get a copy of the police report.
- Keep a diary of events with dates and times. You may be asked to prepare your statement of events. It’s illegal to record a spouse without their permission or knowledge.
- Open a mailbox or safety deposit box of your own to keep jewelry, records and important documents in it so that you spouse cannot access it.
- Move only one half of your savings into your name at a bank that you spouse cannot access.
- Don’t sign any paperwork. Don’t sign real property deeds. Show everything to your attorney to look at it first.”
An Attorney Can Help
At Gumm & Green, LLP, Attorneys at Law, we can explain your options and the ramifications of any decision you make. Call 818-707-4233 OR 855-707-4233 and speak with a lawyer who can help you get through the decision making.